“The Great Resignation.” For someone who chose to go through my own “career shift” or “resignation” a few years back to line up more with my purpose & core values, I share the following advice for those considering the same. The following advice is part of my journey, which is unique to me and is being shared only in the hopes it inspires you. (P.S. I’ve been moving toward my highest good ever since and never looked back!)
First, find out who you are and line up with it. Until you do this, your intuition (aka. heart’s intelligence) will relentlessly remind you that there is more to your life, and you are meant to let your light shine. At some point, you’ll realize that allowing your light to shine is how you can best serve yourself, those closest to you, and the world. Until you figure this out and take action, you’ll be operating at less than your best mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally. You’ll feel your life’s energy-draining, and you’ll invite illnesses of all forms to take hold.
How do you “do” self-reflection? I have a book recommendation: The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho is a great read that brings the above concept to light in an entertaining tale. H.R. professionals are also an excellent resource for finding tools to help find out your core values and beliefs, how they affect you, and your abilities to work with others. (For example, H.R. professionals may recommend powerful tools like Myers-Briggs Type Indicators, Barret Values Assessments, Enneagrams… etc.)
If you’re not clear on your purpose or core values, then do the “inner-work” that it takes to bring you into a balanced state (physiologically) to bring them into focus. (Hint… when you slow down and give yourself space, what do you find yourself doing? What lights you up inside? Did you like doing this when you were young and carefree? Do you find yourself in the “zone” and get lost in it?) Also, remember that self-care is not selfish. It’s the only way to take care of others without burning yourself out.
How I learned how to create space and get into a balanced state:
Something inside of me was saying that I needed to change the way I thought about things. This led me to research how to change my thinking patterns (re-wire my brain) which led to learning the power of focus (Daniel Goleman’s work on meditation), and HeartMath® brain fitness techniques which I now professionally share with others. (Voila, the career path change!) I listened to my intuition and went on a journey of personal growth.
Where the real work began for me was establishing a dedicated practice of both meditation and HeartMath self-regulation skills. These have been two of the most transformative powerhouse tools I have ever employed. They have helped me let go of old patterns and conditioning and re-wiring my brain for success. Every day, I wake up inspired to work on something so much bigger than myself and feel like I am becoming a better version of myself. In short, I feel great about who I am and how I serve the world.
Sometimes life’s biggest challenges are our greatest teachers. Considering that the pandemic allowed the whole world to slow down and reflect, we now find ourselves on the cusp (according to experts) of the possibility of a “Great Resignation.” Hmm… The catalyst for me to slow down and create space for growth was going through burnout… a second time. (Caution: you don’t have or want to go down that road. It’s messy and painful.)
In conclusion, if there is something inside of you calling for you to make a change, find out what it is and go for it. Trust your intuition and the journey it takes you on. It has improved my health, but it’s also given me a sense of fulfillment and confidence that I am enough and that I can serve the world in alignment with who I am and what lights me up inside.