HeartMath® Resilience Training
Organizations with high incident rates generally have low morale, absenteeism, and high turnover which greatly compromises their performance and defines their culture. Employees who don’t feel safe or cared for find work stressful because they feel threatened in one way or another. Feeling threatened initiates a stress response within the body that if experienced often enough can form a baseline from which one operates.
Practical Safety, Health & Environmental Solutions views resilience training as taking “fit for work” to a whole new level. It’s what sets us apart from program focused safety consultants. We focus on people because it takes people and the cultural environment, they create to make them leaders in their industry.
Leading edge research on stress and resilience reveals that stress affects all aspects of our behavior and emotions are the primary drivers of our physiology. Emotions are what motivate us, help us determine what we care about and focus our time and energy on. Our physiology is what keeps us alive. It can be thought of as our internal operating system converting the energy we consume into energy we expend.
A body that is conditioned to experiencing a stress response often is using large amounts of its energy preparing for behaviours like flight, fight or freeze. (Behaviors that are not often conducive to achieving company objectives.) Expending more energy on stress than renewing or replenishing our health leaves a body vulnerable to illness, disease, and injury. Illness and diseases linked to stress like depression and cardiovascular disease affect our ability to be truly “fit for work” and have profound effects on an organization’s bottom line.
Providing people with the skills to manage their body’s response to stressful situations (in the moment) empowers them with the ability to live from a place of balance where they find they have better clarity, focus, composure and access to their intuitive intelligence. As a leader looking to improve a workplace culture all you need to do is imagine a culture built by people living in balance.
“You know, as most entrepreneurs do, that a company is only as good as its people. The hard part is actually building the team that will embody your company culture and propel you forward.” ~Kathryn Minshew, The Muse
Our survival instincts tell us through our emotional responses it’s counterproductive to keep putting ourselves into threatening situations so we often leave when we feel we can’t control the threat.
What’s HeartMath®?
HeartMath is a full self-regulation system that uses evidence based leading-edge information, tools, technology and training to facilitate emotional restructuring and refocusing of neural circuits. What sets it apart from other cognitive based approaches to improving mental health is that it utilizes the power of the hearts influence on the body’s physiology to control stress responses in the moment. By practicing the techniques until they become second nature you begin to balance out your nervous system which will help you prepare for, adapt to and recover from stress challenge and adversity.
Need help fulfilling the CSA’s psychological health & safety training and measurement guidelines? Contact Sharon today for more information.